
Nordic Headspace Conference – Youth’s Mental Health

The amount of young people struggling with mental health issues is at a record high – what do we as a society do about it? How do we solve this enormous issue? Read more about the conference here (Norwegian).

Nordic Headspace Conference targets professionals and volunteers who work with youth’s mental health in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Politicians, bureaucrats and others who help to influence the framework conditions for this work, are also welcome to participate. See the program below!

16. november 2023
17. november 2023
Youngstorget 3, 0181 Oslo

About Nordic Headspace Conference:

The times they are a-changin‘ – NORDIC WELFARE MUST ADAPT!
The main focus is to create a shift towards the prevention of mental health challenges, so that young people get help before an issue grows so large that they are unable to handle it themselves. Read more about Ung Arena Headspace here (in Norwegian)

Before 15th of october (Early bird): EUR 130
After 15th of october (Regular): EUR 170


Nov 16th

13.00 Young Nordic Voices
Mental Helse Oslo Arbeidersamfunnets Plass 1

About the workshop: Mental health is a key focus area for politicians in all Nordic countries. Research programs and media presents dire descriptions of the challenges at hand. Do they represent the views of the younger generation or is this a picture painted by those who do not actually understand how the life of youngsters are today. We are gathering young people from the Nordic region to meet, discuss and to propose how the current situation can be improved. The outcome of the workshop will be presented during the Young Voices Session at the Nordic Headspace Conference the following day.

18.00 Welcome, Oslo Town Hall, Mayor of Oslo

18.10 Winds of change? Tom Guldberg, Ung Arena Headspace Norway

18.20 Mingling, food & beverage

19.30 Out into the Oslo night

Nov 17th

08.30 Registration
Young`s, Youngstorvet 3, 0181 Oslo

09.00 Opening remarks
Tom Guldberg, Ung Arena Headspace Norway

09.10 This is how we should do it!
Arne Holte, professor, UiO

09.55 A common, Nordic challenge
Karin Liltorp, Danish parliament

10.15 Break

10.30 Together for the well-being of young people – cooperation between teachers and Headspace Denmark
Nadia Aarø og Jonas Begnigna

10.45 The Danish experience
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, Det Sociale Netværk

11.15 Debate

12.00 Lunch

13.00 A strong, Northern voice
Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen

13.30 Young Nordic Voices
Workshop participants and young politicians, volunteer workers and members of mental health organizations.

14.45 Debate: We know the problem, how do we solve it?

15.50 Closing remarks